Monday, January 19, 2015

New England Patriots Needs Talents

            Hello every one of all ages from 15 to 55 year old.  I, Justin Farrow, will help our organization get better talents for our team to achieve to the Super Bowl.  We want to expand and get young recruit to help us get to where we want.  Robert Kraft and I will be picking and choosing who we want to join our team.  We need a great running back to help us out when our passing game goes bad.  We need tall players for our wide receiver.  The players we are looking for are Calvin Johnson, DeMarco Murray and some rookies to help us out.  All of our players we have now are getting old and retiring.
            Tom Brady is only playing 2 more years with us and will be retiring.  We are looking at getting quarterbacks to train and have Tom Brady help them out so we can still be a playoff berth team in the future.  We are only recruiting players who have good reputation on them.  We have learned that if we recruit players who have bad reputation can bring our team down.  Aaron Hernandez was one of our greatest tight end but with his bad reputation it brought our organization down.  We do not need anymore of that in our organization.  So if the players are bad, we will not recruit them even if they are the best players out there. 
            So all we are asking for is for you fans to not lose hope on us.  We will always be the best and will always try our best to get the best talents on our team to help us get to the Super Bowl.  All our players get hurt every now and then but we will not stop looking for back up talents.  Our money is tight and we can’t recruit the best talent out there for what they are worth.  When we lose players to other teams, we will gain but recruiting fresh rookies.  So for you fans of all ages, we want you to not worry about our future with talents.  We want you to have fun and root for us to win the Super Bowl and to achieve our goals of getting to the Super Bowls.

Thank you,

Justin Farrow and Robert Kraft

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